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Focusrite Scarlett 18i8 Gen3 er et 24 bit/192 kHz USB-lydkort med fire mikrofoninnganger (som også kan fungere som linje- og instrumentinnganger). På frontpanelet finnes to hodetelefonutganger, mens det på baksiden er ytterligere fire linjeinnganger, fire stk balanserte jackutganger, ADAT inn, S/PDIF I/O og MIDI I/O.
Mikrofoninngangene har valg for +48V fantommating, pad og "Air". Når sistnevnte er aktivert, innkobles en analog krets som emulerer lyden i Rupert Neves ISA-design. Prøv den gjerne på kilder du ønsker langt fremme i miksen, som vokal og akustisk gitar.
Forsinkelsesfri innspilling og routing løses enkelt via programvaren Focusrite Control.
Produktregistreringen er svært intuitiv, med en "quickstart guide" som tar deg gjennom alle leddene i prosessen.
En ekstra bonus når du kjøper et Focusrite-lydkort, er tilgangen til deres Plug-In Collective. Her får du annenhver måned gratis plug-ins og softwareinstrumenter fra anerkjente fabrikanter. Programvarepakken ved førstegangs registrering er også imponerende:
Clock Source: Internal
Supported sample rates: 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz, 88.2 kHz, 96 kHz, 176.4 kHz, 192 kHz
Microphone Inputs
Dynamic Range: 111 dB (A-weighted)
Frequency Response: 20 Hz to 20 kHz ±0.1 dB
THD+N: <0.0012% (minimum gain, -1 dBFS input with 22 Hz/22 kHz bandpass filter)
Noise EIN: -128 dB (A-weighted)
Maximum Input Level: +9 dBu
Gain Range: 56 dB
Input impedance: 3 kohms
Line Inputs
Dynamic Range: 110.5 dB (A-weighted)
Frequency Response: 20 Hz to 20 kHz ±0.1 dB
THD+N: <0.002% (minimum gain, -1 dBFS input with 22 Hz/22 kHz bandpass filter)
Maximum Input Level: +22 dBu at minimum gain
Gain Range: 56 dB
Input impedance: 60 kohms
Instrument Inputs
Dynamic Range: 110 dB (A-weighted)
Frequency Response: 20 Hz to 20 kHz ±0.1 dB
THD+N: <0.03% (minimum gain, -1 dBFS input with 22 Hz/22 kHz bandpass filter)
Maximum Input Level: +12.5 dBu at minimum gain
Gain Range: 56 dB
Input impedance: 1.5 Mohms
Line Outputs
Dynamic Range: 108.5 dB (A-weighted)
Maximum Output Level (0 dBFS): +15.5 dBu at minimum gain; balanced outputs
THD+N: <0.002% (maximum level, -1 dBFS input with 22 Hz/22 kHz bandpass filter)
Output impedance: 430 ohms
Headphone Outputs
Dynamic Range: 104 dB (A-weighted)
Maximum Output Level: 7 dBu
THD+N: <0.002% (maximum level, -1 dBFS input with 22 Hz/22 kHz bandpass filter)
Output impedance: <1 ohm
The Focusrite brand was established way back in 1985 and the founding principles of the company were to develop products that sounded more musical, in addition to just measuring well - today,we still carry these founding principles forward in our class-leading and award-winning designs. We measure our success by the success of you, our clients, and you will find Focusrite product prominent in professional and project studios throughout the world. Based just outside of London, we work with the best design talent throughout the world to bring you the tools to enhance the way you work. Our product is made with pride and principle in a highly automated ISO 9002 factory with significant level of test by engineers who themselves are musicians and understand the part our product plays in your process.